Dear ICC Members,
The Election Committee would like to welcome you to participate in the 2017 Iranian
Canadian Congress elections.
The elections will be held on May 28 th , 2017 from 11am – 4pm at the North York Civic
Centre - Chamber.
Please take note of the following important details:
1. Eligibility to vote:
a. Only the following members are eligible to vote on the day of the AGM:
i. Those who became a member by the previously announced
deadline of midnight on May 25, 2017;
ii. Those who were members from May 16, 2016 to May 28, 2017 and
renew their membership on the day of the AGM;
iii. Those who have not voted online; and
b. Who present a valid ONTARIO ID.
2. Absentee/Proxy voting:
a. If you have yet to cast your vote but are unable to vote in person on the day
of the AGM, you may authorize a proxy to vote on your behalf in person.
You will have to provide the proxy with:
i. a copy of your valid Ontario ID; and
ii. the following proxy form dully executed by you: 2017-ec- proxy
b. Please note proxy voters do not need to be ICC Members.
3. What is being voted on:
a. The following two motions appear on the ballots voted on online and to be
voted on the day of the AGM:
i. For the four (4) nominees to be acclaimed to the four (4) positions
available for the ICC Board of Directors; and
ii. For the ICC, who is presently incorporated as a provincial
organization, to seek registration as a Federal Organization.
Election Committee 2017- Rules of Engagement
b. To learn more about the candidates please click:
4. Quorum: Please note that quorum for initiating the AGM is fifty (50) per cent of
the ICC members plus one (1). The total number of members whom must vote
in order to meet this quorum will be finally determined by the number of expired
members who renew their membership on the day of the AGM.
5. Noting Irregularity
A formal complaint regarding the live voting process on the day of the AGM or
the ballot count must:
a. Fill out an official complaint form available at the site of the AGM and the
counting stations thereafter;
b. Attach proof of the complaint and list of any witnesses;
c. Supported by and filed on behalf of at least one of the four (4) candidates
running for a position; and
d. File same with a member of the Election Committee or by emailing it to
[email protected] within one (1) hour of the completion of
the vote count.
We hope this provides you with the information you need to actively participate in the
2017 ICC Election. Should you have any further questions related to the elections
proceedings please contact the Elections Committee at
Elections Committee 2017
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