Election Board 2016: Final Report & Election Results

Here you can find the Final Report from Election Board 2016:


 برای دریافت متن فارسی اینجا را کلیک کنید

Dear Members of the Iranian Canadian Congress,
The ICC 2016 Election Board is proud to announce the following:

  1. A successful and transparent election was held on Sunday, May 15, 2016.
  2. Polls open from 10 am to 4:45 pm.  The voting station was held open for an additional 15 minutes from the scheduled end time of 4:30pm to allow for those attending the AGM to cast their ballot if they had not done so earlier.
  3. As two of the 9 candidates, Maryam Nazemi and Medi Shams, withdrew their candidacy for a position on the ICC board the day before the elections, the second ballots asking for members to vote for the 7 candidates they wished to elect to the ICC board were no longer required.  Candidates were only provided the first ballot, and asked to vote in favor or against the four motions that had been raised for a vote at the AGM.
  4. Quorum was reached sometime around 3:15pm; the AGM started shortly thereafter.
  5. Of the 560 Members who were eligible to vote, 305 members did so. 191 members voted in person, while 114 members voted by proxy;
  6. Counting of the ballots commenced after the AGM finished, at or about 6:00 pm in the presence of all candidates, their scrutineers, members of the ICC board, and members of our community and media.  
  7. A total of 303 ballots were cast.  The final vote count for 4 motions was as follows:

    Motion #1: ICC President's Report: 
    Required vote to pass: %50 plus one, Vote counts: 288 Yes's vs. 5 No's

    Motion #2: ICC Treasurer's Report: 
    Required vote to pass: %50 plus one, Vote counts: 283 Yes's vs. 7 No's

    Motion #3: By-law Changes: 
    Required vote to pass: Two third, Vote counts: 267 Yes's vs. 26 No's

    Motion #4: Member's Motion: 
    Required vote to pass: Two third, Vote counts: 253 Yes's vs. 48 No's

    Based on passing of Motion #4, the following candidates were acclaimed for a two year term as new members of ICC Board of Directors:
    (Alphabetically ordered)

    - Mojtaba Adibrad
    - Ali Bangi
    - Tayaz Fakhri
    - Mehran Farazmand
    - Behzad Jazizadeh
    - Dorna Mojdami
    - Pouyan Tabasinejad

  8. There was one filed complaint about the election process.  The complaint did not adhere to the procedures set by the Election Board for filing a formal complaint, but was considered by the Election Board none-the-less. The complaint questioned whether a proxy authorization in which the proxy giver did not specify the proxy holder at the time of giving the authorization is valid.  The process of voting by proxy was delicately monitored by the Election Board and its volunteers.  The Election Committee confirms that no proxy authorization form was accepted if it did not identify the individual to whom authorization was given to vote by proxy.  However, the Election Committee is of the opinion that a proxy authorization is not invalidated if the name of the proxy holder is specified at a later time than when the proxy giver signed the proxy authorization form; it is in the proxy giver's discretion and judgement to authorize a proxy without first knowing who will vote on his/her behalf.
  9. One ICC Member also raised what he believed to be a potential irregularity.  He believed that those who had acquired their membership on May 15th 2015, the day of the election, should be considered active members.  The issue of who is or is not a member is decided by the ICC Board of Directors and was not an issue for the Election Board to resolve.  The ICC Board of Directors reaffirmed its earlier decision that memberships are valid for exactly 365 days (i.e. the membership of someone that joined on May 15, 2015 expires on May 14, 2016).
  10. As promised, the personal information of those who voted by way of a proxy will be destroyed by the Election Board.  We thank voters for trusting the Election Committee with their personal information in our efforts to safeguard against any concerns of irregularity that may have been raised.

We thank the members of our community, the ICC board of directors, and our wonderful volunteers for helping make this election a success.
Respectfully yours,

ICC 2016 Election Board 

May 17th 2016


 برای دریافت متن فارسی اینجا را کلیک کنید

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