Info regarding ICC AGM and Elections 2016

Here you can find important information about the upcoming Annual General Meeting and the board elections:


Note: There have been changes to some of the points in this announcement. Please read the following announcement from the ICC Board:

Online Voting and Members' Motions:

In accordance with the bylaws of the organization, the board of directors of the ICC is planning to conduct an electronic election in advance of the AGM which will take place on May 15, where members are able to vote in person. The ballot will be sent out to the members via e-mail on May 8th and will close at 10 am on May 14th. In addition to the vote, this ballot will include questions regarding the approval of the revisions to the bylaws as well as the reports by the President and the Treasurer. The same ballot will be used in the in-person AGM/election process on May 15.

Members also have an opportunity to introduce members’ motions to be added to this ballot. In order to have a motion on this ballot, each member has to send her/his proposed motion to the board via e-mail to [email protected] by noon Monday May 2. Each member’s motion has to have the support of an additional member whose full name should be provided in the same e-mail as the seconder. Those members who do not meet the eligibility  requirements to run for a position on the board of directors and would like to receive an exemption from the membership through the AGM should send their request as a member’s motion to the board by the given deadline. The member motions regarding exemption from eligibility requirements may be consolidated by the board into a single motion. These motions will need the support of the majority of the members to be approved.

Proxy Voting

Any member who cannot attend the Annual General Meeting in person and/or cannot vote online may assign another ICC member to vote on his/her behalf by filling out the proxy form and attaching a copy of his/her photo ID to the form. The proxy holder shall present the signed form along with the copy of the photo ID of the person he/she is representing to the election officers at the Annual General Meeting. Each member is only allowed to vote for one other member through proxy. Click here to download the Proxy Form.

Candidates Forum + Q&A Session:

Please join us for a Q&A Session with ICC board candidates. 
When: Sunday May 8 from 2:30-5PM. 
Where: Council Chamber, North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge Street.

Candidates Bio/Nomination Statements:

You can review candidates bios and nomination statements on the following link. Any updates or revisions are highlighted in the note section at the bottom of the page:



Board of Directors
Iranian Canadian Congress


About Us

The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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