President’s report at the AGM held on 30th of January 2022
The President of Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC), Dr. Moslem Noori, began the AGM session by declaring the quorum has been reached with more than 50% of members voted in the online election.
Full video of President's report at ICC Annual General Meeting January 2022
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Final AGM results 30th January 2022
The final results of Iranian Canadian Congress AGM on 30th of January 2022:
Total number of members eligible to vote: 457
Number of members who could not vote because of undeliverable email addresses (typo in the address, etc.): 7
Number of eligible members who were reached out to vote: 450
Number of submitted ballots: 229
Proposed changes to the ICC by-laws: Passed by 91.8%
Membership exemption for nomination: Approved by 74%
Newly elected board members:
Mr. Reza Namdari
Mr. Daniel Bagheri Sarvestani