Statement regarding the recent escalation of conflict in the Red Sea
Iranian Canadian Congress expresses disappointment in Canada’s decision to participate in the US-led military operation in the Red Sea. Given the exceptionally heightened tensions, these military interventions pose a significant risk of escalating West Asia into a full-scale war, which would be catastrophic for all parties involved, particularly the civilian population throughout the region.
For over three months, Canadians have been fervently urging their elected representatives to advocate for an immediate and lasting ceasefire to bring an end to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It is imperative for the Canadian government to demand a ceasefire alongside South Africa in the International Court of Justice against the genocide in Gaza and call for the immediate removal of the blockade affecting the fundamental livelihood of the Gaza population, including access to clean water, food and medication.
We urge Canada to assume a constructive role in the region, fostering implementation of UN Resolutions, peace, justice and stability rather than contributing to war and destruction. Canadians seek a sustainable ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, fearing the potential expansion of the conflict into neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran.
Participating in military actions that jeopardize Canadian lives and perpetuate the loss of innocent men, women, and children in West Asia offers no benefit to Canadians and is instead a stain on Canada’s global reputation. It is crucial for Canada to prioritize diplomatic solutions and actively work towards a peaceful resolution in the region.
Read moreStatement on the 4th anniversary of the downing of flight PS752 and the recent terrorist attack in Iran
As we are approaching the fourth anniversary of the downing of Flight PS752 by IRGC missiles, we commemorate the victims of this tragedy as well as those killed this week in the terrorist attack for which ISIS has claimed responsibility in Kerman, Iran.
As Prime Minister Trudeau rightfully noted in 2020, “If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families."
It is crucial to acknowledge that the first victims of war and conflict are innocent civilians. Furthermore, as the tragic incident of Flight PS752 has shown, any threat to innocent lives in Iran is also a threat to Canadian lives.
Tensions are extraordinarily high, with the United States, Iran, and Israel going on the brink of a regional war that would be disastrous for all involved, including civilian populations across the region.
We urge the government of Canada to condemn this attack and express solidarity with the people of Iran. Acts of terrorism anywhere in the world inherently oppose humanity, morality, and global unity, and are to be strongly condemned.
The ties between Canadians and Iranians run deep, necessitating that Canada plays a positive role in the region to foster peace and stability. This includes pursuing a lasting ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, drawing on Canada's longstanding tradition of mediation and diplomacy.
In the face of this tragic and devastating event, it is imperative to stand together as a community—united and strong. Let us share our compassion, empathy, and connectedness while sympathizing with the grief-stricken families who have lost their loved ones.
We extend our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wish recovery for those injured in the terrorist attack.
Iranian Canadian Congress
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