Educational documents and tools against Online harassment and cyberbullying
Since 2008, the Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC) has worked tirelessly with the interests of the Iranian Canadian community in mind, and with the core values of peace, solidarity, freedom, justice and transparency. It is unfortunate that the ICC and its board members have frequently been the target of cyberbullying by individuals who oppose our core values, who choose aggression over peace, bullying over freedom of speech, and trolling while cowardly hiding behind their -sometimes unknown- online identity.
The ICC board members, and the members of the public alike, have been targeted by such bullies on many social media platforms, who aim to create a toxic atmosphere or hoping to interfere with or to discourage the board members from their peaceful activities.
The ICC board members are and have been aware and prepared to face the trolls and the toxic environment that they wish to create, finding encouragement instead of being discouraged, and determination instead of distraction. After all, the harder the trolls try, the more we have reason to believe in the positive impacts of ICC’s overall strategies, giving us more reason and determination to continue working toward our peaceful ambitions.
Despite the above, we condemn the acts of cyberbullying, and encourage our members and the public to stay sensitive about such activities. Cyberbullying, especially when it involves physical threats, is a criminal activity and the ICC will assess such activities going forward and may choose to report them to the respective social media platform, or in more serious cases to the police. For further information about cyberbullying please consult the following resources.
Statement on the recent Iran protests September 2022
Le Congrès irano-canadien est profondément troublé par la situation en Iran et réitère sa solidarité avec les manifestants pacifiques réclamant leurs droits fondamentaux, la liberté et la justice. Nous sommes dévastés par la violence de la répression et de la brutalité policière qui ont coûté la vie à des dizaines de personnes et blessé des centaines de personnes.
La CIC condamne ces actes de violence qui menacent le caractère sacré de la vie et compromettent les droits humains du peuple iranien à se réunir pacifiquement et à manifester. Nous condamnons fermement le harcèlement ciblé et la répression contre les femmes en Iran.
Nous sommes également profondément préoccupés par les pannes d'Internet imposées par l'État en Iran - laissant les Iraniens incapables de communiquer avec le monde extérieur ainsi que les membres de la diaspora incapables de se connecter avec leur famille et leurs proches pendant cette période difficile.
Des milliers de membres de la communauté irano-canadienne se sont joints aux manifestations de solidarité à travers le Canada. Nous faisons écho de leurs appels à la liberté, à l'unité et à la paix. Nous exprimons notre solidarité avec notre famille, amis et compatriotes en Iran.