Reza Ghazi
Reza was born in Tehran, Iran, and migrated to Canada in 1995. Like every other immigrant, he knows the difficulties families have to tackle to adapt to the new culture and environment. This challenge provoked him to get involved with Non-for Profit organizations and alleviate some of these challenges for his community members. Reza has served non-for- profit organizations such as Business & Mentoring/Innovation movement/Youth for many years in different capacities. At Iranian-Community Network (IC Network) where he last served as the President, he continuously aimed to provide adequate means and resources to assist Iranian-Canadians liaise and network with others to succeed in their professional endeavors. In March, Reza was granted the 2014 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards from the Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration, Province of Ontario - in recognition of a 5 year Award for continued services with Iranian Canadian Network (IC Network).
Reza holds a BA and a post-graduate certificate in Financial Underwriting. He currently serves as the CEO of GreenFlow Financial. Reza also serves as a Director to Target Park Group Inc. as well as GreenPower Capital. With over a decade of daily operational and management experience within the Finance industry, Reza has developed many solid business affiliations and entrepreneurial skills. He is passionate about community work and getting involved in initiatives that help the overall success of the society at large.