ICC Board Of Directors post AGM2023 and appointment of Officers & Department Chairs
The Board of Directors of the Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC) held its first official post-AGM2023 meeting on Tuesday April 18th, 2023. The board discussed administrative matters related to the transition of documents and records from the former directors and also appointed new executive officers and department chairs. The following appointments were unanimously approved by the Board:
President: Dr. Arezou Khadir
Vice-President: Mona Ghasemi
Treasurer: Mohammad Vahidi Rad
Secretary: Dr. Amirhassan Ghassemi Tafreshi
Co-Chairs of the Administration and Finance Department: Dr. Arezou Khadir, Mona Ghasemi
Chair of the Policy Department: Dr. Amirhassan Ghassemi Tafreshi
Chair of the Culture Department: Asoudeh Novin
Co-Chairs of the Public Relations Department: Dr. Arezou Khadir, Mona Ghasemi
Chair of the Culture Department: Asoudeh Novin
Chair of the Service Committee: Daniel Sarvestani
Chair of the Mental Health Committee: Dr. Raheleh Tarani
Chair of the Research & Education Committee: Mona Borghei
Chair of the Organizational Structure Committee: Reza Namdari
Chair of the Communication policy Committee: Dr. Amirhassan Ghassemi Tafreshi
Chair of the Content Development Committee: Mohammad Vahidi Rad
Chair of the Cyberspace Committee: Reza Namdari
Read moreFinal AGM results 30th January 2022
Introduction of AGM candidate Reza Namdari
Reza Namdari is an entrepreneur and leads a construction management firm in Montreal. Born in 1984 in Tehran, he completed his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Science and Technology. During his studies, he has led various students’ union initiatives and was involved in student-led publications.
Reza Namdari immigrated to Canada in 2008 and completed his Master’s degree in Construction Management at Concordia University. He has been a member of the Iranian Canadian Congress since 2018 and has helped the ICC as a volunteer in Montreal. Reza was of the first members of the ICC volunteer team in Montreal. The aim of this local team is to expand the organization’s presence in Quebec in general and in Montreal in particular.
Working for peace and opposing any sanctions and discrimination against the Iranian people will be some of his priorities if elected as a board member of the Iranian Canadian Congress.
رضا نامداری در زمینه حرفه ای یک کارآفرین است و در رشته مدیریت پروژه های ساختمانی در مونترال کانادا کار میکند.
رضا متولد سال 1984 میلادی در تهران است. تحصیلات کارشناسی خود را در رشته مهندسی عمران در دانشگاه علم و صنعت گذرانده و در حین تحصیل، فعالیت های مختلف صنفی، دانشجویی و مطبوعاتی را در این دانشگاه انجام داده است. رضا نامداری از سال 2008 به کانادا مهاجرت کرد و تحصیلات کارشناسی ارشد خود را در سال 2010 در دانشگاه کنکوردیا در رشته مدیریت پروژه های ساختمانی به پایان برد.
وی از سال 2018 به عضویت کنگره ایرانیان کانادا درآمده و یکی از پایه گذاران اولین گروه داوطلبان کنگره ایرانیان کانادا در شهر مونترال بوده است.
فعالیت برای صلح و مخالفت با هرگونه تحریم و تبعیض علیه ایرانیان، از اولویت های فعالیت های او در صورت انتخاب به عنوان یکی از اعضای هیات مدیره کنگره ایرانیان کانادا خواهد بود. رضا تبعیض علیه ایرانیان را یکی از مشکلات اساسی جامعه ما میداند که به اشکال مختلف شهروندان ایرانی-کانادایی با آن روبرو هستند. وی اعتقاد دارد کنگره ایرانیان کانادا باید نقش کلیدی در جهت آگاهی رسانی درباره تبعیض علیه ایرانیان و مبارزه با آن ایفا کند.