Trump is Wrong on Iran. Support the Iran Deal.

Email your MPs & Senators: Trump is Wrong on Iran. Canada Must Support Peace, Diplomacy, and the Iran Deal

In another confrontational speech full of false information, President Trump announced a new combative and irresponsible policy towards Iran. Let’s be clear, his policy of aggression, sanctions and confrontation will undermine the successful multilateral nuclear agreement (JCPOA) that was reached between P5+1 countries and Iran and further destabilize the Middle East region. Furthermore, Trump’s new Iran policy will only negatively impact the lives of ordinary Iranian people. 

What can we do in Canada?

The change in US policy can have significant impact on Canada’s policy towards Iran as well. The Trump Administration, as mentioned in the president's speech, will try to convince allies to implement similar policies toward Iran. There is already a bill in the Senate of Canada that seeks to expand Canada’s sanctions on Iran. As Iranian-Canadians , together we need to raise our voices and tell our government officials, Members of Parliament and Senators that Trump is wrong on Iran. We want Canada to be a promoter of peace and dialogue, to stand with other responsible nations around the world including our EU allies to keep the nuclear agreement alive, and to abide by the United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 which formalized and endorsed the 2015 nuclear agreement. 

Join this campaign and use our simple tool here to email your MPs and Senators and tell them that You want Canada to promote peace and stability in the region through constructive engagement and diplomacy in collaboration with our allies.

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The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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