Election Update: Election Committee and Proxy Voting - AGM 2017

Here is an update about the upcoming AGM and Board Elections:

Election Committee

The following individuals have been appointed to the Election Committee for the upcoming AGM and Board Elections on May 28, 2017. The election committee will administer and monitor the online voting process from May 20-27 and the voting process on May 28th. 

Pantea Jafari, Emily Hoody, and Pouyan Nahrvar.

All three members have previous experience with election administration. We are grateful for their help in this process.   

Legal Counsel

The ICC Board of Directors has retained Mr. Esmaeil Mehrabi from Mehrabi Law Office as legal counsel to advise the board for the AGM and elections procedure. This is an additional step that the board has taken to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are followed during the AGM and the board elections. 

Here you can find info about proxy voting in the upcoming AGM on May 28, 2017:

Proxy Voting

Any member who cannot attend the Annual General Meeting in person may vote through a proxy by filling out the proxy form and attaching a copy (digital or paper copy) of his/her photo ID to the form. The proxy holder shall present the signed form along with the copy of the photo ID of the person he/she is representing to the election officers at the Annual General Meeting. 

Click here to download the 2017 Proxy Form. 

The proxy voting process is according to the Ontario Corporations Act (article 84.1) and the proposed Non-Profit Corporations Act (article 64.1). 


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The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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7398 Yonge St, St #6D

Unit #2074, Thornhill, ON L4J 8J2

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