Find below a message sent from the Iranian Canadian Congress to Prime Minister Trudeau in the aftermath of Flight 752:
Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
On behalf of the Iranian Canadian Congress, we would like to thank you for the leadership, sensitivity, and compassion that you've shown to the Iranian Canadian community and Canadians at large as we cope with the tragic events of Flight 752.
Iranian Canadians are looking to our Canadian government to help provide accountability, transparency, and justice to the victims and their families. Specifically, the Iranian authorities need to be held accountable for not only the lives lost but also for the misleading statements released from Iran following the incident. We appreciate that you and the Canadian Government have committed yourselves to these very principles.
We also commend Prime Minister Trudeau for calling for de-escalation in the region, rightfully noting that “If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families."
Although the responsible Iranian authorities should in no way be exonerated, it is important to recognize, as you have, that the first victims of war and conflict are innocent civilians. Furthermore, as this tragic incident has shown, the 300,000 strong Iranian Canadian community means that any threat to innocent lives in Iran is also a threat to Canadian lives.
The ties that bond Canada and Iran are deep and they require that Canada take a positive and active role in the region to help foster peace and stability in the region, a role that can draw on the long-standing Canadian tradition of mediation and diplomacy.
We thank you for the support you have shown the Iranian Canadian community in committing to bring accountability, transparency, and justice for families of the victims as well as working towards a peace that helps ensure that such a tragedy will never happen again. We look forward to working with the Government on these difficult yet vital goals.
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