Senator Frum Must Apologize to Iranian-Canadians

On October 26, 2017 during the debate on Bill S219 (Non-nuclear Sanctions Against Iran Act) Senator Linda Frum said the following about Iran and Iranians:"Bill S-219 is grounded in a moral and ethical purpose, and that is to monitor one of the most maligned nations in the world and to calibrate our nation’s sanctions accordingly."

Senator Frum's discriminatory and anti-Iranian comment is a disrespect to the Iranian-Canadian community, one of the largest and fastest growing immigrant communities in Canada. It is estimated that over 300,000 Iranian-Canadians live across Canada. These individuals are an integral part of the Canadian multicultural fabric. In every city and province in Canada the positive contributions of the Iranian-Canadian community are evident. Iranian-Canadians are proud of their culture, their heritage and their ethnic and national origin. 

Senator Frum must retract her comments publicly in the Senate of Canada and apologize to the Iranian-Canadian community. 

We call on members and supporters of the Iranian Canadian Congress to contact their Senators and ask them to keep Linda Frum accountable for her discriminatory comments against Iranians. 

Follow this link to email your Senators:

Sentor Frum must realize that while this kind of charged and irresponsible rhetoric is becoming a part of the daily politics south of the border, here in our multicultural and diverse Canada we do not accept this language. 


- Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC)

  • Iranian Canadian Congress
    published this page in News 2017-10-31 22:30:32 -0400

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The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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