Visit the Museum of Inuit Art!

Visit the Museum of Inuit Art

The Cultural Committee of the Iranian Canadian Congress is pleased to organize monthly visits to art, cultural, social and historical sites with a goal of encouraging diversity, the culture of tolerance, acceptance of others and enriching the social bonds within the Iranian-Canadian community. 

The second visit is scheduled for the Museum of Inuit Art , on Sunday October 18, 2015 from 1: 00 pm to 4:00pm.

Meeting point: Museum Inuit Art , front of box office at 12:45pm
Address: 207 Queen's Quay West,
ON. M5J 1A7

1:00pm to 3:00pm : visit of Museum
3:00pm to 4:00pm Rest, group talk and share of experiences

Contact information : [email protected]
For more information please see the note below:

Sunday October 18, 2015 at 1:00pm
5-10 attendees
Docent: Thomas Eastman
45 minute General Highlights Tour (includes introduction museum and the history Inuit art in Canada, the Follow Your Art program and Regional Diversity Gallery)
Attendees are welcome to explore the rest of the museum on their own time following the tour
This includes our two special exhibitions Unikkaaqtuat: Inuit Creation Stories and Boldly Baker Lake: Barnabus Arnasungaaq. More information here

Guided tours are $6+HST per person ($6.78 total)
Payment is due the day of the tour before the tour begins
We accept cash, debit, cheque, Visa or Mastercard 
Attendees are welcome to pay individually. 

Please plan to arrive 10 minutes beforehand as the building is currently under construction which can sometimes make way-finding difficult 
Our space is at the South-west corner of the main floor of the Queens Quay Terminal building at 207 Queens Quay W. 
Further information about parking and transit can be found here
Southern Canada's only museum dedicated exclusively to contemporary art produced by Inuit 
Approximately 200 art objects on display 
Check out our website for more information on exhibits, regular programming and special events

Museum of Inuit Art
207 Queens Quay West 
Toronto, ON M5J 1A7 


بازديد از موزه هنر اينويت

كميته فرهنگى كنگره ايرانيان كانادا بمنظور تقويت فرهنگ مدارا، دگر پذيرى و هم پيوندى اجتماعى در جامعه ايرانى كانادايى، بازديدهاى ماهانه گروهى از مراكز هنرى ، فرهنگى، اجتماعى و تاريخى دارد.

دومين بازديد، از موزه هنر اينويت، روز يكشنبه ١٨ اكتبر ٢٠١٥ از ساعت ١ بعد از ظهر تا ٤ بعدازظهر خواهد بود. 

محل و ساعت ملاقات: مقابل گيشه بليط موزه ، ساعت ١٢/٤٥ بعدازظهر
آدرس: خيابان كويين كووى غربى، شماره ٢٠٧
از سابوى يونيون با اتوبوس واگنى ( street car) شماره ٥٠٩
برنامه بازديد: 
ساعت ١ تا ٢ بعدازظهر : بازديد همراه با راهنما ( براى اطلاعات بيشتر به متن انگليسى در زير مراجعه كنيد)
ساعت ٢ تا ٣ بعدازظهر: بازديد آزاد
ساعت ٣ تا ٤ بعدازظهر: استراحت ، گفتگوى گروهى و انتقال دريافتها و تجارب شخصى

اطلاعات تماس: [email protected]
براى آشنايى بيشتربا موزه به متن انگيسى زير مراجعه كنيد:

October 18, 2015 at 12:45pm - 4pm
Museum of Inuit Art
207 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON M5J 1A7
Google map and directions

Will you come?

About Us

The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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7398 Yonge St, St #6D

Unit #2074, Thornhill, ON L4J 8J2

Email: [email protected]a

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