A full time office to serve you better

Here is an announcement from the Board of Directors of the Iranian Canadian Congress:

Dear friends,

An integral part of community work is the commitments, investments, supports, and involvements of each and every member within that very community. We at the Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC) take great joy and pride in being committed to working tirelessly and continuously for the betterment and unity of our community, one accomplishment at a time.

A longstanding, and continuous challenge for ICC has been a lack of an official, and permanent office space for the organization’s centralized operational work. In alignment with the plans and goals of the new Board of Directors to build a professional organization with adequate operational resources and following 3 months of extensive and thorough explorations and preparations, as of August 1, 2016 the ICC has now a full time and permanent office space. Located at the heart of North York, at Yonge and Sheppard (45 Sheppard Avenue, Unit 900).

This initiative has been made possible by the initial donations of the members of the Board of Directors; however, to continue our work we need your help and financial support. We hope that you will join us and take part in enabling us to build professional and operational resources necessary for the organization. Here is how you can financially support your organization:

  • Click here to donate to ICC via our website. Any contribution helps. The payments are processed through PayPal secure online system.

  • If you have a business, sponsor our upcoming networking event for young professionals on Aug 26, 2016 at the Spoke club. Standard sponsorship package is $300. Please reply to this email or call us at 647-539-4344 to learn more about sponsorship opportunities. 

  • Pay for a month’s office rent: $850. Please reply to this email or call us at 647-539-4344 to make your donation.

We hope to have your support, and through this initiative and achievement enhance and further our work towards stronger community connections, addressing community needs and concerns, and establishing a stronger presence for Iranian Canadians.




Board of Directors,

Iranian Canadian Congress

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About Us

The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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7398 Yonge St, St #6D

Unit #2074, Thornhill, ON L4J 8J2

Email: [email protected]a

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