Please find below an email from Court-Appointed Monitor Marvin Huberman dated December 16th, 2020 regarding requests for membership, membership renewals, membership cancellation, and the deletion of membership information:
Soudeh and Pouyan,
This letter follows your emails dated December 15, 2020 advising that the ICC received inquiries and requests for membership, membership renewals, membership cancellation, the deletion of membership information and documentation in the ICC NationBuilder administrative account, and for section 307 membership lists, following the ICC 2019 AGM and the 2019 Election.
The ICC has requested my assistance, as the Court - Appointed Monitor, and/or that of the 2019 AGM Committee, with these matters.
In my view, as the Monitor, none of these matters post - ICC 2019 AGM and 2019 Election fall within the purview of the Monitorship which relates exclusively to matters in relation to the ICC 2019 AGM and the 2019 Election, which were held on December 13, 2020.
Accordingly, in my view, neither I, as the Monitor, nor the ICC 2019 AGM Committee, has any power or authority to deal with any of the matters requested above.
The ICC is responsible to address these matters and, as I indicated in correspondence to you yesterday, access to the ICC’s NationBuilder Administrative account will be provided by the Monitor to a duly authorized representative of the ICC following the delivery of the Monitor’s Final Report to the Court and the expiration of my appointment as the Monitor.
In my view, as there is no apparent urgency in dealing with the matters listed above, the ICC should explain the current situation to the ICC members who have contacted you in respect thereof.
Yours truly,
Marvin J. Huberman, Court-Appointed Monitor
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