International Peace day

21st of September, Peace to the world on International Peace Day.

۲۱ سپتامبر، روز جهانی صلح گرامی باد

Open letter to Minister of Immigration Concerns Regarding Potential Immigration of MEK Members to Canada

Vice President of Iranian Canadian Congress, Mona Ghassemi has sent a letter to The Honourable Marc Miller regarding Concerns of Potential Immigration of MEK Members to Canada.

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Open letter to Conservative Party regarding Stephen Harper's Presence at MEK Convention in Paris

Iranian Canadian Congress' board of directors has sent an open letter to Mr. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada regarding the presence of Stephen Harper at MEK Convention in Paris. 

A copy of this letter was sent to all leaders of political parties in Ottawa including Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. 

The full text of the letter and the response from the Leader of the Official Opposition is here:

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ICC open letter to MEC regarding the incident with an Iranian Canadian citizen

Mr. Eric Claus,  CEO of Mountain Equipment Company, 

On behalf of The Iranian Canadian Congress, we are reaching out to you as our members and our community are shocked and outraged by reports in the media about how Mr. Amir Ghassemzadehnaghedhi and his wife Mrs. Andrea Sotomayor were treated in one of Mountain Equipment Company’s stores 

Furthermore, we are disappointed with the way the Mountain Equipment Company decided to handle the incident. As Canadians, we are proud of our diverse and multicultural nation. As a country that aspires to anti-hate and antiracist values, we must hold our businesses accountable to respect the humanity of all people.  The reported punitive measures taken do not address the root cause of the problem, and we hope that appropriate actions are taken to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. 

Our mandate includes supporting the wellbeing and defending the interests of all Iranian Canadians. Respectfully we would like to know what will come of this, how it is handled, and how we will be represented. Please consider the consequences of such lack of sensitivity and care.   


Iran Canadian Congress  


Question for Mayoral Candidates of Toronto election 2023

The Iranian Canadian Congress have identified three main issues for the Iranian Canadian community in Toronto and we have prepared three questions below in that regard. We have asked 6 candidates who are ahead in the polls to answer to these questions and we are relaying their answers to the community to help them decide better in the coming election: 


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Letter from ICC to Premier Eby: Urgent Support for Justice and Accountability in the Case of Amir Sedghi's Tragic Death

President of Iranian Canadian Congress, Dr. Saïdeh Khadir, has sent a letter to Premier of BC David Eby to call for urgent Support for Justice and Accountability in the Case of Amir Sedghi's Tragic Death:


Dear Premier Eby, 

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today regarding a grieving family and to seek your compassionate support in pursuing justice and accountability for a profound injustice that has befallen them. 

Amir Sedghi, a talented and promising young man with a bright future, tragically lost his life in a plane crash while at work. As a dedicated data analyst, he was capturing crucial aerial images of ongoing underground wildfires using a unique technological approach. Regrettably, the plane he was operating encountered technical difficulties that could have been prevented, leading to the fatal accident. 

Amidst the sorrow and grief that the Sedghi family has endured, they have discovered that their pursuit of justice and compensation is hindered by an archaic death legislation that has remained unaltered since its inception in 1846. This outdated law fails to acknowledge the immeasurable value of a young life lost, denying the family the right to seek restitution or to hold the parties responsible for their negligence. 

The Sedghi family's profound sense of injustice is shared by many within our community who believe that the law should adapt to the evolving needs of our society. Considering this tragic incident and the ongoing impact it continues to have on the family, I implore you to support their plea for justice by championing the reform of British Columbia's death law. 

We must ensure that no other family suffers the same indignity and disregard for their loved ones' lives. By modernizing the legislation surrounding death compensation, we can provide a path for accountability, and support this grieving family in their pursuit of justice. The Sedghi family's case is a poignant reminder that our laws must reflect the values of fairness, compassion, and empathy that define our great nation. 

I kindly request that you use your esteemed position and influence to address this pressing matter promptly. Your support in advocating for the reform of BC's death law will not only provide solace to the Sedghi family but also demonstrate your commitment to safeguarding the rights and well-being of all British Columbians. 

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I remain hopeful that you will take the necessary steps to address the injustice faced by the Sedghi family and work towards creating a more just and equitable society. 

Yours sincerely, 

Dr. Saïdeh Khadir, M.D. 


Iranian Canadian Congress  



Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources Canada

Honourable Bowinn Ma, Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness of British Columbia 

ICC statement condemning harassment of women in the work place

The Iranian Canadian Congress strongly condemns the harassment of women in the workplace and call on the relevant authorities to take immediate action to prevent such reprehensible acts. Harassment is a violation of women's fundamental rights, affecting both their mental and physical health, and it is our duty to stand together to end it. 

In the current context, we are dismayed to learn of reported dismissal of a police officer of Iranian origin who claims to have been the victim of harassment on several occasions in the course of her work. This case and the case of other officers who had similar complaints in 2020, highlight the urgent need to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all women, regardless of background or profession. 

It is imperative that the authorities take preventive measures to educate and sensitize employees, employers and colleagues on the devastating consequences of harassment. Strict policies must be put in place, accompanied by regular and mandatory training in respecting fundamental rights and the fight against harassment. 

 In addition, we urge the authorities to pay special attention to the situation of women who have been victims of harassment in their professional environment. It is essential to provide them with adequate support, both legal and emotional, in order to help them obtain justice. This requires the establishment of secure and confidential reporting mechanisms, independent rigorous and impartial investigations, as well as appropriate sanctions against harassers. 

The recovery of the mental and physical health of the victims is an essential step in this process. We therefore encourage the authorities to put in place specialized support programs, including access to mental health professionals, legal advice and assistance with professional reintegration. 

Together we must work to eliminate harassment of women in the workplace. Only by creating respectful, egalitarian and safe environments can we ensure the development and full participation of women in all aspects of society. 

We therefore call upon the authorities, employers, workers and all citizens to mobilize against harassment in the workplace. By acting collectively, we can create lasting change and build a future where every woman is free to work without fear or discrimination. 

Iranian Canadian Congress 

ICC Board Of Directors post AGM2023 and appointment of Officers & Department Chairs


The Board of Directors of the Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC) held its first official post-AGM2023 meeting on Tuesday April 18th, 2023. The board discussed administrative matters related to the transition of documents and records from the former directors and also appointed new executive officers and department chairs. The following appointments were unanimously approved by the Board:

President: Dr. Arezou Khadir
Vice-President: Mona Ghasemi
Treasurer: Mohammad Vahidi Rad
Secretary: Dr. Amirhassan Ghassemi Tafreshi

Co-Chairs of the Administration and Finance Department: Dr. Arezou Khadir, Mona Ghasemi

Chair of the Policy Department: Dr. Amirhassan Ghassemi Tafreshi

Chair of the Culture Department: Asoudeh Novin

Co-Chairs of the Public Relations Department: Dr. Arezou Khadir, Mona Ghasemi

Chair of the Culture Department: Asoudeh Novin

Chair of the Service Committee: Daniel Sarvestani

Chair of the Mental Health Committee: Dr. Raheleh Tarani

Chair of the Research & Education Committee: Mona Borghei

Chair of the Organizational Structure Committee: Reza Namdari

Chair of the Communication policy Committee: Dr. Amirhassan Ghassemi Tafreshi

Chair of the Content Development Committee: Mohammad Vahidi Rad

Chair of the Cyberspace Committee: Reza Namdari

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ICC Annual General Meeting AGM 2023

ICC Annual General Meeting AGM 2023 Recording

ویدیوی کامل جلسه مجمع عمومی سال 2023 کنگره ایرانیان کانادا

The election committee announced the following new Board of directors have been elected for a period of two years: 

  1. Ms. Mona Borghei
  2. Mr. Amirhassan Ghasseminejad-Tafreshi
  3. Ms.Mona Ghassemi
  4. Ms.Arezou Khadir
  5. Ms. Asoudeh Novin
  6. Ms. Raheleh Tarani
  7. Mr. Mohammad VahidiRad
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Upcoming ICC AGM 2023: Agenda and Instructions

The upcoming Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC) annual general meeting (AGM 2023) will be held online on April 9, 2023, at 1:00 pm ET. A video call link to attend the meeting will be shared with the members through email in future communication. The agenda of the meeting is as follows:  

  • Call to order  
  • President’s report  
  • Treasurer’s report and review of the 2022 financial statement
  • Q&A   
  • Announcement of the board election results    
  • Adjournment  

Please note that an election is also held for the seven available seats on the board of directors of the ICC. The election will be held by online voting which has started on Sunday April 2nd, 2023 and will end on April 9th, 2023, at 2:00 pm. The election will be conducted through a platform called Electionbuddy and you have received an email from Electionbuddy with instructions for voting.   

The nomination window for the upcoming election was closed on March 23rd, 2023, at 11:59 pm ET and the following candidates (ordered alphabetically) will run for the upcoming election:  

You can find information about the candidates by visiting the above links as well as watching this introduction video 

Thank you for being a valued member of the ICC.  

Iranian Canadian Congress

About Us

The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization established in 2007 to represent the interests of Iranian-Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.

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7398 Yonge St, St #6D

Unit #2074, Thornhill, ON L4J 8J2

Email: [email protected]a

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