Iranian Canadian Congress Welcomes Canada-Iran Friendly Soccer match
A friendly soccer match is scheduled between Canada and Iran at the BC Place Stadium (Vancouver) on June 5th ,2022 as part of the preparation games for the upcoming World Cup in Qatar.
Thousands of Canadians and members of the Iranian Canadian community have enthusiastically purchased their tickets in anticipation of this rare and historic match, already sold out. This speaks volume to the fact that vast majority of Canadian and Iranian people favor friendly relationships symbolically captured by these types of events. The word “friendly match” itself symbolizes our people's desire for peace and friendship abroad and at home.
Friendly international sports competitions have always had the aim of bringing people together. This match symbolizes the wish of the Iranian and Canadian people to come together around the values of sportsmanship, friendship, peace, and solidarity. In this regard, the Iranian Canadian Congress appreciates and supports the decision and the efforts of the Canada Soccer organization in hosting this friendly match. As stated by Canada Soccer: "We believe in the power of sport and its ability to bring people from different backgrounds and political beliefs together for a common purpose.”
Sports, arts, and cultural events are the channels of interaction and dialogue among civilizations. We strongly believe that conflating politics with sports by politicians and interest groups contradicts the ideals espoused by Canada, including peaceful coexistence, and promotion of democracy and friendship. While such attempts may produce superficial and short-term political gains, eventually the preservation of these intercultural events serves the purpose of conflict reduction, advancement of democracy, and mutual understanding.
Iranian Canadian Congress welcomes the upcoming friendly match and invites the Iranian and Canadian national teams to observe one-minute silence to initiate the match in respect and memory of Iranian-Canadian victims of flight 752.
Read more10 years into sanctions, Iranian diaspora get the runaround
Moslem Noori, the president of the Iranian-Canadian Congress (ICC), says the organization has for years tried to get the government to “resolve this issue,” including through a 2016 petition that garnered more than 16,000 signatures requesting reestablishing of diplomatic relations with Iran.
Another campaign in 2021 also saw Iranian-Canadians email their MPs “asking for easier access to consular services for Iranian Canadians.”
“With this,” Noori told NCM, “hundreds of Iranian-Canadians sent their concerns to MPs.”
Yet, nothing has been done about the issue, even as — or perhaps because — Canada has criticized the Iranian government over human rights violations and has initiated United Nations resolutions against the same.
Meanwhile, the Canadian government continues to ignore the basic rights of hundreds of thousands of Iranians across the diaspora in Canada and creating more difficulties for those in Iran who are forced to travel to neighboring countries for the simplest of consular and visa-related procedures every year.
Report regarding difficulties of Iranians to deal with the Iranian Interests Section in Washington, D.C., that can leave many in impossible situations by Hamid Moghimi:
West Vancouver Volunteer Community Awards 2022
Iranian Canadian Congress has been contacted by the West Vancouver Community Awards Committee.
You can see here the 2022 Awards Application Brochure which details eligibility and nomination information.
If you know someone who you feel should be nominated for a Community Award please use this form to submit your nomination.
The deadline for submission is Friday, April 29, 2022.
ICC Calendar 1401
ICC’s 1401 Nowruz Fundraiser - Vancouver
ICC’s 1401 Nowruz Fundraiser - Richmond Hill
As Persian New Year quickly approaches, the Iranian Canadian Congress is raising $11,401 in honor of Nowruz 1401 for the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank. This time of year reminds us of the power of community and the importance of giving back. It is our opportunity as the Iranian Canadian community to help raise funds for organizations that do good work and support those who are struggling.
Join us in reaching our goal of raising $11,401 for Nowruz 1401!
Your full donation will be directly sent to the Richmond Hill Food Bank and you will receive a tax receipt for your donation.
Read moreLack of Canadian visa offices in Iran ‘discriminatory,’ frustrates diaspora
"Iran is one of Canada’s leading source countries for immigrants and international students, yet Iranians have to travel to neighboring Turkey or the United Arab Emirates to apply for their visas and study permits first. Moslem Noori, the president of the Iranian-Canadian Congress, calls this plainly 'discriminatory'."
Report regarding the lack of Canadian Visa offices in Iran by Fernando Arce
گزارش ریاست کنگره ایرانیان کانادا در مجمع عمومی تشکیل شده در تاریخ 30 ژانویه 2022
دکتر مسلم نوری، ریاست کنگره ایرانیان کانادا، در ابتدای جلسه اعلام کرد بیش از 50 % اعضا در انتخابات اینترنتی کنگره شرکت کردهاند و بدین ترتیب حد نصاب لازم حاصل شده است.
ویدیوی کامل گزارش ریاست کنگره ایرانیان کانادا در مجمع عمومی ژانویه 2022
Read morePresident’s report at the AGM held on 30th of January 2022
The President of Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC), Dr. Moslem Noori, began the AGM session by declaring the quorum has been reached with more than 50% of members voted in the online election.
Full video of President's report at ICC Annual General Meeting January 2022
Read more