Interview with CTV News: Prof. Hoodfar's release and Canada-Iran relations

Interview with CTV News about Prof. Hoodfar`s release and Canada-Iran relations.
Read moreIran-Canada meet at the UN

Minister Dion and Foreign Minister Zarif met on Sept 20th, 2016 at the United Nations General Assembly. Here is a statement from the Iranian Canadian Congress:
Read moreICC at Parliamentary Press Gallery: Iran-Canada Relations

The Iranian Canadian Congress held a press conference yesterday in the Parliamentary Press Gallery. Member of Parliament Majid Jowhari, ICC President, Bijan Ahmadi and our Policy Chair, Pouyan Tabasinejead took part in this press conference to discuss the formal petition to the House of Commons, initiated on the 4-year anniversary of Canada’s decision to cut diplomatic ties with Iran, urging the Government of Canada to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran and to facilitate reopening of the embassies in Ottawa and Tehran.
سه راه ساده برای کمک به درخواست نامه رسمی به پارلمان در رابطه با تجدید روابط ایران و کانادا

چطور میتوانید به ما برای اطلاع رسانی در رابطه با درخواست نامه رسمی به پارلمان در رابطه با تجدید روابط ایران و کانادا کمک کنید؟
Read moreICC: We urge the Government of Canada to re-establish relations with Iran and reopen the embassies

On the anniversary of Canada’s decision to cut diplomatic ties with Iran the Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC) has submitted a formal electronic petition to the House of Commons asking the Government of Canada to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran and facilitate the reopening of the embassies in Tehran and Ottawa.
Read moreThe ICC is extremely concerned about Prof. Hoodfar’s health condition

Here is a statement from the Board of Directors of the Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC):
Read moreQuarterly Progress Report

Here is ICC's quarterly progress report from ICC President, Bijan Ahmadi:
Read moreگزارش سه ماهه- گفت و گو سلام تورنتو با بیژن احمدی رئیس هیات مدیره کنگره ایرانیان کانادا
گفت و گوی سلام تورنتو با بیژن احمدی رئیس هیات مدیره کنگره ایرانیان کانادا در رابطه با فعالیت های سه ماهه ی گذشته کنگره ایرانیان کانادا پس از آخرین مجمع عمومی سازمان در مه ۲۰۱۶
Read moreAug 26: Meet + Network + Get Involved

As you may already know the first Summer Social Mixer of the Iranian Canadian Congress is happening on Friday, August 26th, 2016, at the Gallery Room of The Spoke Club (600 King Street West, Toronto).